Meet the Herd

Mickey is a locally-bred Shetland - a Scottish breed of pony originating in the Shetland Isles. Mickey has a heavy coat, short legs and is strong for his size; he's our much loved "old man". He is 20 years old with a wise head and lots of energy.

Pochahontas is our rescue Shetland pony from interstate. She’s our little Princess with a sparkly personality and a lively disposition; always looking for a new adventure.

Biscuit is a stock horse – traditionally working with livestock and characterised by agility and quickness. He’s the most experienced of the herd and our most trusty and reliable member who always manages to ensure everyone is taken care of.

Minnie is a miniature horse and our youngest team member. Miniature horses are generally bred to be friendly and to interact well with people, so they are often kept as family pets or service animals. She’s a lovely companion with a sweet temperament.

Rosie is our highly-skilled expert carriage pony. She’s strong and reliable, with a very sweet nature to safely pull her specially-designed carriage and precious cargo.

Abby is a warmblood mare (female horse) with a calm nature, she's soft and sensitive. Warmbloods are primarily used in sport horse disciplines like showjumping and dressage but Abby now loves a quieter life helping others.